fLeSh nigeriabrev

Fick NigeriaLOSERbrev i mailen häromdagen (igen) whinade hos fLesh och han fick en idé, tror att det blir svårt men man kan ju aldrig veta......

sent from mailadress [email protected]

To mr Ambassadör of Nigerianska Embassy in Sverige

Hakuna matata!

Humbly and with very much Aretha Franklin R E S P E CT.
I write to you in great greed as my people are starving and urging for skattereduktioner in absurdum.
I have during my occupation had the upputr... oppro... opportunity (såja) to come over some cash brorsh.
Some other of my fellow hälare has also the problem med to much cash that most be hidden and lawndried (tvättat).
My people are fridlysta all the time of smurfs and Taxwerket. They are hunting and putting us in jail.
I need, my people need to transportera this cash to an offshore cunt and you guys must have some connections alltså. I have some of this cash in my locker at the gym but as you know there are some creepy gays at those places.
Sunburned, shorthaired, anabola gays with muscles and tights who are very scary in the bastu all the time. It is not funny to work out at that place. The place is called SATS, in english JIZZ, do you understand?
So since you probpiller do this all the time you must help me. The future depends on this moment, the future depends on you. My people need this så in i hell. I have in my click the great doctor Grey, famous from TV, Dr Snuggels, Dr Dre and that doctor who can talk to animals.
There is also a couple of pisseria bakers with Rikscoupons in a ICA plastic pose. There is this other gay from Red Cross but i think he is bullshitting. We also have Sigvard Marjasin, world famouse fd landshövding (chief of country).

If you help us we can give you some of this coupons as a provvis. We are talking about 5% of the total amount. That is like hundred of laxar for you. You can buy a lot of of goats for that money. It´s up to you. You can buy sheep if that´s what you want. We want tell anyone.

Now the problem is this that I lost the key to the locker in the gym and I need to buy an spare key from the girl in the reception.
That key kosts 200kr. My business is under övervakning and I have span on me so I cant frigöra kapital for this key.
If you could sent 200kr to me, the problem is solved with the cash. After I get the money we can överföra the kapital to the offshore cunt that you fix.
Please answer asap or else I must go vidare to another ambassadör that can help me and that wants to get richer.

Yours sincerelej



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